Saturday, 7 February 2009


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Are you planning to 'Go Green' and add a solar power to your home? You have made a wise decision but first, you need to know that there are benefits and drawbacks to adding a solar power system to your home. I will cover them both in this article.

First a few of the benefits. Solar power will help to;

    reduce or even eliminate your electric bills
  • increase the value of your home
  • decrease dependency on foreign energy
  • help the earth by creating completely 'renewable' energy
  • reduce pollution and leave a better planet for our children and grandchildren

As for the drawbacks for solar power which can be very expensive, many commercially made systems are incredibly high price. You could be forced to take out a second mortgage on your home. Commercially made solar system has to be installed and the install fee is high. Hire your own contractor to do the work is not only expensive, but time consuming and could disrupt your home for months.

So why invest for a commercially made solar power generator while you can 'Do-It-Yourself' in just one week time for less than $200. If you are as 'DIY' challenged as I am you can build one for yourself. With these simple instructions (written in plain English but not constructionist directions) anyone can learn to do this and it is a fun weekend project and you can get the kids involved. You have probably seen or heard about solar energy system on television or internet, why? Because it works!

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